Friday, 9 November 2012

go back to where you started from


Don’t give up
The Bible speaks of a “great women” who lived in Shunem. God gave her a son when she couldn’t have one. Then suddenly in twenties he dies. So she picks up, put him on a horse and carries him back to Elisha, whom God had used to announce his birth in the first place.  
Imagine what her neighbors must have though as she passed by.” Its’ over, bury him!” But not her. She refuses to stop and get the opinions, of faithless people, or discuses her situation with those who were unqualified to help. Be careful who you open up to in a crisis! Make sure they know God and that their words line up with His. The warranty hasn’t expired on the promises God gave you.
This woman believed that if God started it, He could finish it. If He made it, He could fix it.
            And how does her story end? Elisha stretches his body out on top of the dead boy’ body and his corpse get warm. Now that’s good, but this lad needs more than just warmth he needs new to life. What’s the lesson here for you? No matter how bad things look stay on top of the situation! Keep believing God. Walk the floor and pray all night if you have to, but don’t give up. Keep standing on the word. Your dream may not be fully alive yet, but it’s getting warm. Thing are improving. God is moving. Your answer is on the way don’t give up until it arrives!

Having what it takes to succeed
To succeed at anything, the four things you must have:
            1. Morals: What are you willing to do in other to get where you’re trying to go? You can’t get there just any kind of way; you must have boundaries. Now all of us have broken the rules at some times. But thank God we have rules to break! We were able to realign ourselves because somebody had pitched a tent on where ‘right’ is. (2) Method s: You methods are your road map. A goal without a plane is like a road to nowhere. First the goal, then the plan, and then the process. Adopting this simple three- step formula helps you understanding that you won’t just leap into the middle of dream, or get there overnight. There are methods that must be employed and stayed with! (3) Means: When God gives you a vision, look for His provision. If you can’t find it, either your timing is off, or what you want differs form what God want fro you. God’s provision may come as an idea that hit you suddenly, or a though that takes root and grows in your over time. Certainly, God’s provision will always involve the help of others, so walk in love wherever you go. (4)Management: Jesus said, ‘To whom much is given, of him shall much be require” (LK12:48 AMP). Some think it’s ‘over’ when God gives it to you. No, it’s just beginning! And guess what your biggest management challenge will be? Yourself! That’s why the Psalmis,” Order my steps in thy words” (Ps 119:33). 

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